What a difference a year can make. One of our hay suppliers called yesterday to let us know we could pick up 1st cut hay from the field this afternoon. May 25th, pre-Memorial Day, just right! Last year our 1st cut wasn’t ready until July 1st! We had so much rain in the spring that no one could hay. Today’s hay was a mighty fine, sweet smelling yield. We have had a string of sunny days and today was a scorching 92 degrees at high noon making great conditions for drying the cut hay. We went down to the field at 4:30 and brought home 80 bales, another 40 tomorrow which will be a nice jump on the winter supply; about 20% of what we need by September. We got back to the barn, fired up the hay elevator, through the first few bales on and the belt started slipping; with a couple of minor adjustments we were off and running! There is something VERY comforting about filling the barn with hay on hot summer days knowing a barn full of feed is precious come late fall and winter.