Today and Thursday we are all handpainting yarns; 9 skeins of rayon/cotton, silk and wool. Each of us has chosen our own palatte of colors, I make it sound so simple but the lead-in to today was quite a project! We began painting and steaming and overdyeing with indigo around 11AM and by 5PM I still had 6 skeins to paint on Thursday! There are many considerations when painting color on yarns from correct blend of colors to an even flow of the color changes and how to overdye areas of the skein with one dye without affecting another dye that should be left alone. Once again too busy to take pictures but here I have Roberta painting and the brick wall outside the studio. It is a study in texture and color and natural blending! And maybe I “hit” the wall tonight! I’ll bounce back to my dye work in the morning, ready to strike out once again along the trail of color.