Wet and wooly Festival

The show must go on and it did at the NH Sheep and Wool Festival despite the torrential rains in New England since Friday. It broke the record books! These are pictures of part of the fairgrounds Sunday morning. I found 6 sheep in pens in this barn on Saturday evening and checked in on them Sunday AM and they were pretty soggy, the water creeping in around them. I broke open one of our bales of hay and fed them and then some of the 4-H kids moved them to higher ground. The fiber fans did come out in decent numbers and there were mostly smiling faces all around. My friend Cathy Connor of Ibiwisi Alpacas www.alpacanation.com/ibiwisialpacas.asp and I spent Friday night in her livestock trailer, then the rain came at about 10PM and it was a bit chilly and wet! But we toughed it out. Saturday night found us at the Marriot in Concord, NH, warm dry and comfortable! We were able to dry out our boots and coats and hats, shower and get back to the festival refreshed! All in all, not bad, not bad at all!

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