We’re having a serious cold snap for so early in December. Not that the sheep mind. Northern New Hampshire is now blanketed in snow as winter blows on into New England. Our farm ground is frozen and any hope of a snaggle of grass is gone. Hay is now the daily menu, plus we had a few pumpkins left over and put them out this morning after feeding. And a few carrots, too. Mila asks…”what’s up doc?”
and tells stories with that tongue…
while sharing a breakfast bowl with Memphis…
but as the flock enjoyed breakfast we had to move Peach to the big barn for some rest and recuperation. A few weeks back I wrote about her having a lame rear leg. It got better but then she must have done something to re-injure it and this morning I decided it was imperative to remove her from the flock with one roomie for company until she heals for sure. After swift and careful consideration, Crystal was nominated the lucky one to live the good life in the big barn with Peach. It is not an easy transition to separate sheep from their flock. They don’t like change at all. Seen later today Crystal and Peach having a snack of their own….
There was a lot of baaing tonight as they all sorted out the separation…but Peach is in recuperation, on some anti-inflammatories and limited movement until she heals. Thank you Crystal for carrying the torch with her.