The next morning before we left we went down to the big barn to meet the animals. Bob and Jen, the owners, have a rule that as long as they own Pittston Farm it has to be a farm. Their son and daughter-in-law have a couple boys in 4-H and they have an assortment of animals they work with. This picture doesn’t do the barn justice. It is enormous. Down below to the left side is all open in the front area which then opens out into the large field. We went in the door to the right where the animals are this time of year. This is Salt and Pepper, a pair of oxen. They don’t have to work too hard anymore. They are getting on in years.
This is Luther Gray, a horseman, with his team of horses, Chief and Doc. Luther brought the horses up to give sleigh rides for a few weeks. They hope it will catch on and he will keep the horses there longer. His helper, Mark is on the backside brushing the coats down, getting them ready for the afternoon rides, complete with bells, a beautiful sleigh and blankets. I wished we could have stayed for a ride. Luther was interesting to talk with. And it’s a small world in New England, as he knew of my brother, Jimmy Walker, who passed away in 2006. Horsemen.
There were a number of Boar goats in the barn, this is Cammy with her new kid, 20 below. The kid named 20 below because it was 23 below when she was born! She was so busy I never could get a picture of her standing still!
But we had to get going, we planned to ride 200 miles and be back to Millinocket by 5PM! We said our goodbyes at the barn and were on trail at 9AM.