Freezer WIP

The freezer is starting to fill up as fall approaches now. We have zucchini quiche, green beans, brussel sprouts, carrots and broccoli. Plus we made 24 jars of peach jelly the other night. The peaches were prolific once again and absolutely juice laden! We have plenty of venison in various packages of hamburg, chops and steaks. I still have more green beans and brussels to pick plus the peas and spinach are just coming along. The garden was a success this year and it is amazing how much food you can put up from a small space. Ours is only 30′ by 8′. I gave away cucumbers as we couldn’t keep up with them and there are 6 huge basil plants I need to put into some pesto but dry most of it for. Despite the hail storm this spring which ravaged the garden, it rallied after all!

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