It’s Groundhog’s Day and Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring! However today it is still winter and we are in a real live Currier and Ives painting. Here was our snow stick when we started the day at 30″. Since then another 10″ has fallen. The past three days Jack and I have been raking roofs, shoveling roofs, shoveling paths and plowing. We aren’t so concerned about the current load on the roofs but if all of a sudden Mother Nature and Old Man Winter conspire to give us a rain event we’d be in trouble. We set off to get the animals all fed and set for the day. I looked at the roofs on the way and thought “good grief, they were just done two days ago and it is time to do some more raking!”.
To the right of the little building in the middle is the hen house, buried!
But on the backside we built a day pen for them with a roof so they get out and about…happy as can be!
Luna and Kalie are total snowbirds..can’t get enough. Good thing!
Dear Jack got the porch roof shoveled off this morning while I shoveled out the generators, walkways and doorways. Who got the better deal? Old Sid still loves the snow as well, although his hips don’t let him stay out too long. Look at that face!
Seemed fitting to make a fire this morning for the day and roast a few plates of root veggies…
and cauliflower with garlic for dinner. Mmmm good!
How do you manage with the winter?