The scramble to get hay in has begun! We had so much wet weather in May and June that 1st cut wasn’t ready until the 4th of July and second cut is coming in now. Normally 1st cut in New Hampshire is Memorial Day, second cut is ready by the 4th of July. We did get 60 bales of first cut in the barn 2 weeks ago, a far cry from what we need but a start. So with the stretch of sunny days this week the farmers were baling and we were all running back and forth from field to barn! Yesterday Jack and I got 150 bales out of the field and into our barn in just about 3 hours….no great feat except it was HOT! We registered 90 degrees at 3PM with the dew point in the 70’s…sticky yuk!. Our consolation was we knew many others doing the same that day and that after we loaded this round of hay we’d be 210 bales closer to being ready for the winter feeding! Getting the hay in is almost always fun….it’s sunny(if it isn’t you are picking up mulch hay!), it’s a good workout, it’s rewarding when it’s done and with AC in the trucks the trips between field and barn are a refresher!