We picked up Luna yesterday and she is everything I hoped for. We met the foster parents half-way between our homes as the winter storm made their drive from the coast of Maine risky. Luna is a love, stares deep into my eyes, loves hugs and kisses, doesn’t bark too much, is into everything and minds her Ps and Qs nicely! I also have to give high honors, though, to Sidney, our lab. He is not fond of other dogs unless they “belong” to him. We brought Luna into the house and had Sid on a leash until they sorted it out, took them for a walk across the fields and by the end of that walk they were bonding.
Today I walked them both, Luna off the leash and she had a ball, letting Sidney show her the trails, chipmunk holes and mouse nests.
She came with a couple of leashes, one retractable, and her game is to take the cord in her mouth and do the leading!
I can’t give enough praise for Kennebeck Valley Shetland Sheepdog Club Rescue in Maine and Luna’s foster parents, Holly and Chuck. To say the least, we adopted a prize Sheltie. She has had some instant challenges to greet these past 24 hours, from leaving her foster family to meeting us, meeting a huge black lab, a huge Chartreux cat (who is afraid of nothing), to one hen and I introduced her to the flock but after 2 minutes this morning she’d seen enough of that! A bit overwhelming. For her first day out of the gate she’s doing just great. She and Sidney are asleep in the kitchen on their beds, and Luna is home.