Misty Mornings

These are some of the nicest days of a New England year. The temperatures are 70’s during the daytime, 40’s overnight, no bugs, and no humidity. Every morning of late this is the sheep view. It’s cool, calm, misty, the grass wet with dew. The sheep are calm and content even though there is not the best grass of summer anymore. It’s as if they know to just be free and able to enjoy these bug free, cool days is good enough. It’s also apple season, and around the edges we have some great fruit bearing wild apple trees. They love to eat apples. Ashley, Bea, Georgia, Peach and Charlotte will hand feed, the rest eat from the ground. On the outside of the fences the deer come to eat what falls to the ground. Just the other day Jack and I were standing around the barn yard just talking and friends stopped by. They watched, as we came up the lane ,while 3 deer were eating apples just behind the barn! They were in full view except to us!
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