My Progress

I am feeling much better! Thank you for all your well wishes.

I have been living in the lap of luxury with grain daily, plenty of hay, spring pastures and even some alfalfa treats here and there. My shepherds are darn good to me even if I don’t like when they come to the barn together. That always means they are going to have to give me medicine or check something. Every time! But really, life is good. I can put weight on my right leg again, as you see here I am using it. It’s still stiff when I first get up but I find that if I hold it up a little, I still get the sympathy vote and I frankly like this hospitalization period!
Ashley’s been a pretty good roomie, all in all. She tells me that the extra grain is doing her old bones good. Nancy gives me a leg massage each evening and Ashley gets a daily all over hip, spine and shoulder massage too!

We are still separated from our buddies but at least we are near them and can say our hellos across the fence. I hear I will be here with Ashley another couple of weeks. *sigh* Yay!

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