NH is having a fabulous two day event this year! The weather could not be better~65 to 70 degrees and sunny skies.Thank you to all who stopped by to visit our booth today to learn about our sheep, Earthues natural dyes and to just visit!
We had a naughty sheep back at the farm today…Jack found a sheep coat hanging on a fence line mid-afternoon today. Apparently Charlotte had snagged it and torn it right off her back. A coat repair day is in my not too distant future! When I got home from the show we went down and popped a new coat on her. One thing about our young stock, they are so easy to catch…they’ve been handled by us since day one and don’t mind a little one on one once in awhile! The top picture I took this morning at the festival of a family getting their sheep ready to show for 4-H; the bottom picture…waiting for the next step; great shots of kids doing different things, even hoof checking! Way to go 4-Hers!The bottom picture is me with the famous Caroline of www.fiberarts.typepad.com!! She did lots of shopping on Saturday and kept swinging by to make sure I didn’t starve to death or dye of thirst! Thanks, Caroline!