Just after the mud starts to loosen making travel a real challenge on the back roads, the annual town meeting happens. In our town we do all the voting for selectmen, town clerk, librarian, constable, and the moderator; that’s the person in charge of keeping peace at the meeting! At 7:00PM tonight the town will gather to discuss and vote on the annual warrant which entails a number of items from raising money for a new town history book, to bridge repairs, to refurbishing one of the fire trucks. We usually have a couple of “hot” topics which is where the “lively” comes in. New England is the only region in the US to have town meetings. In the 1800’s I can only imagine getting to town for the vote and town meeting was a all day event. The road we live on has always been dirt and until 1997 it was a small windy road with no real gravel base so it must have been damn near impossible to get to town and back in the 1800’s.
Update: Bob Moore didn’t make the seat for selectman; Marjorie Marena won. Good luck Marjorie! And we voted down a bridge and road repair which took a couple hours of deliberation and two ballot votes. Town meeting this year was LONG. We finally closed the meeting someplace after 11PM, which on a work night has a number of us yawning big time!
Picture: Bob Moore, speaking on behalf of the budget commitee about the road and bridge repairs. I forgot to take more pictures; too much yak and controversy going on!