Recovery is treacherous, cruel and oh, so boring! Here is my existence to some degree. I mean from here I travel on crutches to the bathroom, the bedroom and the kitchen. I have a spot in the kitchen at the island where I can elevate the foot and at least converse...
Pasture days
It's been another whirlwind couple of weeks since I returned from Seattle. The lambs are now taking day trips with their Moms to pasture. It's good to get them used to the pasture changing and the routes around the farm. The ewes know the way well and the lambs surely...
Greasy winner!
Beverly wins! And you were all so close. I am impressed.The actual weight of the sheep coat in full grease was 28 oz. Beverly came closest at 29 ounces. Congratulations! More fun and games to follow.I just returned Saturday night from a week in Seattle working with...
In Memory of David Hinman
...our shearer and friend suffered a heart attack and died Monday. He has sheared our flock for 10 years. God speed. We will miss you.
Phew! It's been four weeks since I returned from France and I am apologetic as all get-out to my loyal readers! I returned in the dark, and I mean dark of the night, from France. I missed my connecting flight from Paris to Boston. I had an hour to connect from my...
Nanette’s last stop
I am in the Bordeaux region. It is absoulutely stunning country. It is the region I feel most at home in since arriving. Having said that, there have been welcoming villages, inns and people all along the trip. But Bordeaux is to behold! Mile after mile of farmland...
Where’s Nanette now?
It's been a non-stop trip so far. Our group of seven are veteran travelers, shoppers and full of the desire to learn and try new things!We spent three full days in Saigon and traveled to Lauris each day to study in the atelier of Michel Garcia, natural dye expert and...
Where’s Nanette?
Bonjour! I arrived in Paris early Tuesday morning and after a bit of confusion found the gent that would drive me from the airport to the train where I would go to meet up with the rest of my group. However the traffic was a complete logjam and it took far longer than...
Bonne nuit ~ Au revoir
For the bonne nuit part...I am home from the NH Sheep and Wool Festival and as always it was just a great show. The weather was challenging with driving rains on Saturday, leaky roofs and an overall damp feeling. Today it was dry but a gray sky loomed with a cold...
Catch up
Recapping the past 10 days.....First, the Ct Sheep and Wool Festival last weekend was a great show as always. We had beautiful weather, not too hot but lots of sun. As I drove home Saturday night I reflected on the day and was happy. It is an incredible amount of work...