
Nine lives

Whenever you see a flock of sheep at the door upon arrival with the deer in the headlight look, something is amiss. I came down to do chores and as usual, let the hens out first. As I glanced over at the barn lot, I saw Ashley, flat out on the ground. She looked dead....

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Tricked and treated

Early on a shepherd learns how to use trickery to get the natty tasks done. We don't have border collies to do the task of round-up so we use treats to lure them into the barn where we can take care of tasks from de-worming, hoof trimming, coat changes to vet calls....

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Rhinebeck 09

I am less than 24 hours back from Rhinebeck and will give a bit of a review of the show. It was in one word fantastic. Thank you Maryann for all your help throughout the weekend. I saw many good buds including Manise and Beverly and Kris and met lots of wonderful...

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Bound for Rhinebeck

It's been a whirlwind week...always is before a show.Thank you so much Katie and Betsy for your help these past few weeks! The consolation prize is that I know all vendors are in the same present state this week, and still tonight. My van is packed....I am ready to...

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Last call

Autumn days are here in full swing and the pasture season for the sheep is winding down. The grass doesn't grow at this late date and the fields need a chance to recover from grazing before the frost sets in. But I couldn't resist giving the sheep a few final field...

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How sweet it is

The Green Mountain Spinnery's new knitting book is out!And within is a full page photo of a few sheep from our flock....Front left is Trinity, a natural colored Romeldale; front right is Wetherby, a Romeldale; middle center is Charlotte, our fine CVM; left rear is...

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Zoom zoom

Ashley's loving apples every day, cool temperatures and pasture still. Sidney's back to his good older self.and I am loving my new camera sporting an optical zoom lens....happy all around!

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That was August for me. I got back from Seattle the last week in July and although I knew everything would get done in time for Michele Wipplinger's arrival to teach the Earthues workshops, there were times I wondered. In a prior post I wrote about these shoes that we...

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