Charlotte ~ then and now

Today is Charlotte’s birthday, our April fool! Two years old, another lamb from Memphis and one of the best in personality, conformation and color, a lovely gray brown fleece. CVM fleece gets softer and darker with age. Charlotte is long legged which I prefer in the CVM. She stands as high as Memphis and Bea who are also ideal CVMs. Charlotte has the “clown” face as you can see when she was just a lamb. SO cute! Here she was just born and then a month or so later.

And here she is today at two. Happy birthday Charlotte!

Savannah ~ then and now

Today is Savannah’s birthday. Five years old. She was our first CVM born here. Here she is, just minutes born, sitting pretty and ready to be licked by her mother, Memphis.

And here she is this morning celebrating her birthday, sheepishly avoiding the camera.

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