I have taken an unintentional disappearance that is clearly needed.
Once I got that clue, the rest has been easy.
Hanging out on the farm, with all my animals friends
has been a good prescription.
Google (Blogger) informed me I had used up all my picture storage and
now I would have to pay to post.
Ya, ya, I said. Perfect excuse not to.
I burrowed deeper.
I prefer focusing on the good things like a gift of firewood
to a dear friend who needed some warmth.
And getting an order of yarns and roving
shipped off to Japan from my great wooly producers.
Overdue writing, updating the
website and
summer workshops is getting checked off.
Long walks to clear last year’s gray ghosts away.
I have new promises for each day.
I don’t want to miss a minute of it hunched over the
computer pecking away, when I could be here.
And here, meeting this flock of sheep.
[I can’t spill the whole bean pot just yet.]
Working with a group of women on growing and
dyeing their own indigo to produce products to sell
to improve their lives. No one is famous there.
It’s beautifully simple.
The seeds have been shipped to be sown.
An adventure is in the works.
I can’t lug my sax there but a recorder may do the trick
or even some percussion.
I will be dancing, giving, sharing, singing,
whatever comes to the fore.
For now, I am here, cloud hidden [unless the sun comes out].
As 2012 closes, I want to thank each of you for following along with me at Long Ridge Farm. Your presence is felt and enjoyed and it makes the travel all the lighter!
I wish you good health, prosperity and a large dose of peace in the coming year, however you may seek and find it. Cheers!
The hour draws closer to the most magical night of the year.
Past the solstice now, a minute more light and a bit
higher in the sky, the sun mellows us.
Snow is coming tonight, the best of gifts
on this coming silent night.
Our tree is trimmed simply this year as if to make
a promise for a simpler year to come. This was not
a year I will soon forget.
Lots of loss and heart wrenching days.
There is a gift in that though.
Steering my life ship
away from the hidden ocean ledges
along the shoreline, further into calmer waters,
I hope to sail there more often.
The ornaments are few but reminders of loved ones.
Above is one made by our dear friend, Katie,
frames of our farm, sheep and dogs.
One special friend is truly suffering having lost her
love. Nothing to do but ride out the storm.
Christmas and the light of it’s force will
kiss her gently.
The pups got an early chew today to work
off the boredom of waiting while I finished all the
Now we celebrate the reason for this special time.
Music, conversation, friendship, wood fires,
phone calls to those not near,
a Christmas pageant nearby in the twinkling evening.
I wish each of you the gift of love.
It is all we need.
Merry Christmas, Happy holidays!
There is an enormous sale this weekend at
Long Ridge Farm
116 Paine Rd, Westmoreland, NH
10-4PM Saturday and Sunday, December 1st & 2nd.
Come celebrate my birthday and take advantage of great savings!
Included are spinning fibers, pre-felt, raw fleece,
closeout yarns from the farm, naturally dyed,
sourced yarns from Rowan, Brown Sheep and more,
books, project bags, fiber equipment,
naturally-dyed tagua nut buttons,
rug hooking, spinning and knitting notions
and more….
much is new, most at 50% off.
Plus naturally dyed scarves, scrumptious leather
and special yarns….
This is the place to shop…
for holiday gifts or self-indulgence.
I am in the mood and afterall it’s my
birthday….swing by!
New Hampshire made history this election
with full court press for women,
from governor to senators and congress women.
here is pretty simple.
a wall has emerged
in a space once occupied by sheep
and even students in the summer
young feathers have joined with
a bunch of woolies.
a wall between at night.
it’s the best of all worlds.
women to the
the left and women to the right with
private bathrooms.
private windows with full sunshine come morning
no bickering at night.
left side, right side congeniality.
Lily loves her freedom to eat and smile as she chooses.
and in a small house nearby Matilda still carries forth alone.
during the days she ranges about the barnyards
and each night she returns to her private quarters.
we tried to integrate her with
the other hens but she won’t have it.
I understand this woman.
and all the while of late
my heart is heaving for this woman, my friend.
a soldier in life’s battle.
Patty is losing her husband of 3+ decades.
all of a sudden.
time is imminent.
they just learned the grim truth weeks ago.
women friends.
life is complex.